Hispid Hare

The Hispid Hare, Caprolagus hispidus, is a leporid native to the foothills of the Himalaya. This hare was formerly widely distributed but its habitat is much reduced and degraded by deforestation, cultivation, and human settlement, and now it is confined to isolated regions in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal and Assam. It is one of the world's rarest mammals.Also Called as "Bristly...

Javan Rhinoceros

The Javan Rhinoceros (Sunda Rhinoceros to be more precise) or Lesser One-horned Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sondaicus) is a member of the family Rhinocerotidae and one of five extant rhinoceroses. It belongs to the same genus as the Indian Rhinoceros, and has similar mosaicked skin which resembles armor, but at 3.1–3.2 m (10–10.5 feet) in length and 1.4–1.7 m (4.6–5.8 ft) in height,...

Seychelles Sheath-Tailed Bat

The Seychelles sheath-tailed bat (Coleura seychellensis) is a sac-winged bat. It occurs in the central granitic islands of the Seychelles Islands north of Madagascar. It was probably abundant throughout the Seychelles in the past[citation needed], but it has declined drastically and is now extinct on most islands. It is one of the most endangered animals, fewer than 100 are believed...

The Vancouver Island Marmot

Appearance The Vancouver Island Marmot has chocolate-brown fur and white chest, nose & feet patches. It's the largest member of the squirrel family and can grow to the size of a housecat (5 to 7 kg). Range & Habitat The Vancouver Island Marmot lives only in the alpine areas of the mountains on central Vancouver Island. In BC, this animal is found in the Georgia...

Baiji or Chinese River Dolphin

River dolphins like the Baiji hunt in places where the river's flow is different, such as in eddies formed near joining flows, or on sand bars and mud banks. Actually, the fish they are hunting probably prefer such habitats, which attract the dolphins. This Baiji can flex his body even more than this while swimming slowly, to maneuver quickly and tightly to ...

The Pinta Island tortoise

QUITO—After decades of solitude, "Lonesome George" may finally save his species of Galapagos giant tortoise from extinction, his keepers said on Monday. George, a Pinta island tortoise who has shown little interest in reproducing during 36 years in captivity, stunned his keepers by mating with one of his two female companions of a similar species of Galapagos tortoise. Park...

Last chance for world’s most endangered mammal

One of the Zoological Society of London (ZSL)’s key scientists, today unveils the plans for a crucial conservation project to save the world’s most endangered mammal, the Yangtze River dolphin. The dolphin, commonly known as the baiji, is the only living member of an entire family of aquatic mammals and is only distantly related to other dolphin species, but fewer than fifty individuals...

Most Rare Animal in the World

Our nature has a rich biodiversity of fauna species, many of them are still exist in our world, and also many of them are extinct from our world.. and now worldmustbecrazy wanna take you to a tour to visit World's most rare animal. this animal are threatened to extinction... let's preserve their species and keep them from their extinction... This is Most Rare Animal in the World1....

A closeup of the rare animal ‘caecilians’ discovered in Makaibari Tea Estate

A closeup of the rare animal ‘caecilians’ discovered in Makaibari Tea EstatePhoto by Himalaya Dar...

Spooky Animal

Tersier called "binatang hantu" which means "spooky animal" - Thise rare species is found on the island of Bohol in the philippines in asia. Look at his eyes - like in the movie "gremli...

Sea Monster – underwater fossils and rare animal -& photogrpahy Technique

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