Eastern Bearded Dragon


Spotted Quol


Lace monitor

Kingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: ChordataClass: ReptiliaOrder: SquamataSuborder: SauriaFamily: VaranidaeGenus: VaranusSpecies: V. var...

Brush Tail Possum


Ring Tail Possum










Leaping Mobula Rays

In the Sea of Cortez at the southern Gulf of Mexico, there is a spectacular sight of … leaping Mobula rays!It looks like a futuristic space ship skimming over the ocean's surface. Or maybe a triangular shaped prototype aircraft launched from the depths. In fact it is a Mobula Ray, a smaller cousin of the Manta Ray, which puts on a spectacular leaping display. Mobula Ray pictures...

World's strangest looking animals

Pelochelys cantorii (Cantor's giant soft-shelled turtle)The turtle is found primarily in inland, slow-moving fresh water rivers and streams. Cantor's giant soft-shelled turtles can grow up to 6 feet (about 2 meters) in length and weigh more than 100 pounds (about 50 kilograms).Matamata TurtleThe mata mata inhabits slow moving, blackwater streams, stagnant pools, marshes, and swamps...

Albino Crocodile.

White Diamond - The albino crocodile. White Diamond is thought to be the only albino crocodile in Europe.And you can go see him if yo fancy a trip to the German village of Hodenhagen, at the Serengeti Safari park, until April 27. White Diamond was born in Louisiana, USA and grew up at an alligator farm in Florida, but has arrived in Germany as part of a traveling reptile show,...

SNOW LEOPARD(uncia uncia)Location: Mountains of Central Asia, specifically the Himalayas, Altai and Hindu KushHabitat: They show a strong preference for a habitat with broken terrain, rocky outcrops and ravines as opposed to open smooth slopes and densely forested areasDue to their excellent camoflauge, elusive behavior and small numbers snow leopards are rarely seen in the wild...

ALPACA(Lama pacos)Location: native to Peru, South AmericaHabitat: Andes MountainsYoung alpacas are known as crias. An adult alpaca is about 36 inches at the shoulders and about 5 feet at the head. They can weigh between 100 and 200 pounds. They have excellent eyesight as well as great hearing. They eat many types of grasses and chew a cud like cattle and sheep. They are gentle...
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